Friday, March 20, 2009

March Madness

I can't believe it's that time of year again. March Madness has begun! Our family filled out our brackets, some of us using a little more strategy than others, and we eagerly awaited the results of the games as the channels jumped back and forth between games. C'mon, there's a lot at stake here....the winner gets to go out for ice cream!

After the first day the standings are:

*Dad's Dominators--14/16 (Clemson and Illinois lost); rank 94%...his winning pick: LOUISVILLE
*Mom's Madness--14/16 (Akron lost--I was pulling for the underdogs-- and there was a 5/12 upset with Illinois losing to West Kentucky, bummer--however, I'm pretty happy with my score after the first day, considering my strategy is dumb luck); rank 94%...winning pick: OKLAHOMA
*Jacob's Steelers--13/16 (BYU, California, and Illinois lost); rank 78%...winning pick: MEMPHIS
*Cooper's Blazers--12/16 (California, Butler, Illinois and Clemson lost); rank 50%...winning pick: LOUISVILLE
*Karcyn's Kuties--13/16 (California, Illinois, Clemson lost); rank 78%...winning pick: VILLANOVA

Should prove to be VERY interesting!

1 comment:

Shane and Brandi said...

You guys crack me up! Hey are you guys talking with or without kids? I will have to check the school calendar and make sure we can go without upsetting life! Let me know. or comment on my blog again!