Friday, November 21, 2008

Sardine-Packed Saturday

October 25th was the only Saturday open to do Cooper's friend birthday party that month. It was also the last day of soccer games for the boys AND the adult session of stake conference that night. Yup--we packed it all in like sardines.

I was unable to go to Cooper's last soccer game and felt bad about that, but I had a light saber cake to make for his party later, so I don't think he minded. In fact, I don't think he missed me one bit.

While the rest of the fam (minus Calvin) was away, I worked on the cake. I didn't have time to make an R2D2 cake like I did for Jake a couple years ago, so I was grateful it was still along the lines of Star Wars. And I was even more grateful that Cooper came home and accurately identified it as a light saber. He was happy, so I was happy.

Then we were off to Jake's last soccer game. He's had a fun year since this is the first time his age group has been allowed to play with goalies...and Jake wanted to play that position more than any other. I was a little disappointed because he's really good on offense. But I'm also proud of him for trying something new AND difficult. I have since learned I don't like being the goalie's mom. It's so nerve-wracking. He took his defeats like a man though and repeatedly threw his body into defending the goal, making for some sweet action. I was impressed. These pictures are actually from his game 3 weeks earlier. (He's in the maroon jersey).

And what's better than playing sports with your friends? Jake played with his friend Kayden from our old ward and Dalyn who is in our current ward. In fact, Jake and Dalyn were baptized on the same day (but if Jake had been baptized right after his birthday in January, he would have been baptized with Kayden). Kayden was sick the last game of the season, but here are Jake and Dalyn. Interestingly enough, these three boys were the goalies for their team.

Now...on to the party. This year Cooper really wanted a Star Wars themed party. So we made it a Jedi Training Academy. I even hired a local magician who came as Princess Leia to show them some Jedi mind tricks.

Jake got good use out of his Luke Skywalker Halloween costume and was the watchman waiting for guests at the back gate. (We had to redirect traffic because Leia was setting up her show at the front of the house).

We started out by having the boys take a Jedi oath before we delved into their training. Then they were given balloons with their names on them and small light-up sabers. We journeyed to the light saber simulation room (garage) and to the Darth Vader March, their task was to keep their balloons from touching the ground with their sabers. They did a really good job.

Then it was time to assemble in the Great Jedi Council room where Princess Leia was waiting for them. For 20 minutes she wowed them with her tricks and slick moves. The young padawans were completely mesmerized. So fun!

The young padawans had no problem devouring the light saber cake and star cookies and playing games until it was time to go. A very successful training with 11 padawans. They were so well behaved!
Then it was time to clean up, not just from the party but to get ready for the Sabbath, too. Oh yeah, and my parents were supposed to be rolling in with their big rig some time Sunday. With an evening session of stake conference on the heels of the party aftermath, I just couldn't clean my house like I wanted to for their arrival. Oh well...
That evening Jared and I went to what I thought was one of the best adult sessions of Stake conference we've ever been to. It was incredible and we felt so blessed to be in attendance. It was definitely a slam packed day...and phew, when it was all said and done, we not only survived, but thrived!

1 comment:

Kendra Goodrich said...

Sounds like a way fun party!